Day 1: Calais to Rouen

  • Ferry left Dover at 0910 and, I was on it!
  • Prior to ferry embarkation the Customs and Border Control chose to undertake a customs check of my van. Obviously nothing was found, because there was nothing to find!
  • Arrived in Calais on time (I think!).
  • Arrived in Rouen at approximately 4pm, having driven on what appeared to be quiet roads. This being my first time driving in France and, given the time of year, on these roads, who knows whether they are usually this quiet. I guess, probably not!
  • Parkup (Google Maps) okay for a night's stopover, just a little noise from trains, which did not disturb my sleep! Mind you I was knackered!!
  • Distance driven: 147 miles
  • Distance cycled: 0.
  • Weather: Mainly raining.