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Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there would be reasonably good weather until about 1pm, so I went for a shortened ride of 55 kilometres.
Day 69: La Isleta del Moro (More Rain)
My hoped for improved weather did not materialise today. Indeed, this unfavourable weather is forecast to be the order of the day for at least one more week. However, ever the optimist, I
Day 68: La Isleta del Moro (Drive)
We are experiencing way too much weather down here in Andalusia! This period of inclementness has become very persistent: The current phenomenon of one rain front almost immediately followed by another seems to
Day 67: Retamar (Rain!)
Mostly overcast, with intermittent rain. However, by about 4.15pm the sun came out, so I dashed out of the van and took a photograph: Other than eating and drinking, most of the
Day 66: Retamar (Cycling)
Another day cycling from Retamar. This is because it remains the area with some of the best weather conditions within 100 kilometres of here: ignoring wind speeds, there was no forecasted rain and
Day 65: Retamar (Cycle)
A relatively slow day on the bike battling high winds and traversing unpaved tracks and carreteras en mal estado (badly surfaced roads). Here's the track leaving Retamar: This is part of
Day 64: Retamar (Drive/Cycle)
... So, having checked the latest weather forecast, I decided to execute my cunning plan, which was nearly derailed by snow! Yes snow. It didn't even cross my mind that snow could
Day 63: Serón (Rain)
What is there to say about today? It's been a rainy one! Here's what it looks like following roughly 5 hours of continuous rain: It has become Intermittent: According
Day 62: Serón (Cycle)
Originally I had a route planned that, like yesterday, would take me up into the Sierra de Los Filabres where there is good mountain passes to be cycled. I would definitely recommend cycling
Day 61: Serón (Cycle/Drive)
Today's cycle started with a ride on the Via Verde (a Greenway) Guadix-Almondricos, which is 98.7 kilometres of what once was a railway line turned into a traffic free path
Day 60: Olula Del Rio (Drive)
Finally I escaped from the mobile signal blackhole! Spent most of the day doing basic chores (a big food shop (about €150!), drinking water, fresh water, empty grey and black water), driving to
Day 59: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Ciclismo)
A change in the type of riding today, less climbing, but greater distance: about 109 kilometres and roughly 1000 metres of climbing. The plan was to visit the Embalse de Puentes. On the
Day 58: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Cycling)
One of those days when you think to yourself, "wouldn't this be a great place to come cycling again next year"! I do believe I also said the very
Day 57: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Cycle)
A welcome return to the Parque Regional de Sierra Espuna. The climb from either direction to the Collado Bermejo (Elevation approximately 1200 metres) is excellent. And there is a bonus, if you so
Day 56: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Drive)
Sorry for "blog silence". Where I've been parked is a blackhole for mobile signals! Therefore I'm currently in blog catch-up mode. This blog post relates to the
Day 55: Agost (Drive/Cycle)
I slept in this morning and did not awake until 9am! Probably because I didn't sleep too well last night. Perhaps my conscience was playing havoc with my mind. Last night
Day 54: El Campello (Alicante)
Evening in El Campello: I was going to make a visit to Alicante anyway. So when I awoke and it was wall-to-wall cloud I thought that today's the day. The sun
Day 53: Busot (Ciclo)
Today's route was chosen such that it passed through a valley with blooming almond trees! Although there were two main climbs (one about 17 kilometres in length the other about 11
Day 52: Busot (Ciclismo)
A day for exercising ghosts! Way back in the year of our Lord 2023, during the month of February, on the 13 day, a Monday, I embarked on a bicycle ride that featured
Day 51: Busot (Cycling)
Plenty of cycling and climbing today. The first climb was about 19 kilometres in length (roughly 12 miles) with an average gradient of about 5 percent to Port de Tibi (Elevation 725 metres)
Day 50: Busot (Drive/Cycle)
Sunset from Busot: I've moved to a great park-up location located on the outskirts of Busot. Here is a photograph of the old Busot Castle and my van: Today's
Day 49: Venta Lanuza (Drive)
New chain day! If I'd planned ahead then I may have had a better day. Yet, I did have some good luck! You may recall that my bicycle was in need
Day 48: Relleu (Ciclismo)
Port de Tudons arrival from the South: Double Port de Tudons. Yes, today's ride provided two opportunities to reach the elevation of 1025 metres. In fact there are four routes to
Day 47: Relleu (Cycling)
It was windy last night - it awoke me. However, at getting up time it was calm, which remains the case. So, in summary, the weather was good for cycling. About one kilometre