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Day 68: La Isleta del Moro (Drive)
We are experiencing way too much weather down here in Andalusia! This period of inclementness has become very persistent: The current phenomenon of one rain front almost immediately followed by another seems to
Day 67: Retamar (Rain!)
Mostly overcast, with intermittent rain. However, by about 4.15pm the sun came out, so I dashed out of the van and took a photograph: Other than eating and drinking, most of the
Day 66: Retamar (Cycling)
Another day cycling from Retamar. This is because it remains the area with some of the best weather conditions within 100 kilometres of here: ignoring wind speeds, there was no forecasted rain and
Day 65: Retamar (Cycle)
A relatively slow day on the bike battling high winds and traversing unpaved tracks and carreteras en mal estado (badly surfaced roads). Here's the track leaving Retamar: This is part of
Day 64: Retamar (Drive/Cycle)
... So, having checked the latest weather forecast, I decided to execute my cunning plan, which was nearly derailed by snow! Yes snow. It didn't even cross my mind that snow could
Day 63: Serón (Rain)
What is there to say about today? It's been a rainy one! Here's what it looks like following roughly 5 hours of continuous rain: It has become Intermittent: According
Day 62: Serón (Cycle)
Originally I had a route planned that, like yesterday, would take me up into the Sierra de Los Filabres where there is good mountain passes to be cycled. I would definitely recommend cycling
Day 61: Serón (Cycle/Drive)
Today's cycle started with a ride on the Via Verde (a Greenway) Guadix-Almondricos, which is 98.7 kilometres of what once was a railway line turned into a traffic free path
Day 60: Olula Del Rio (Drive)
Finally I escaped from the mobile signal blackhole! Spent most of the day doing basic chores (a big food shop (about €150!), drinking water, fresh water, empty grey and black water), driving to
Day 59: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Ciclismo)
A change in the type of riding today, less climbing, but greater distance: about 109 kilometres and roughly 1000 metres of climbing. The plan was to visit the Embalse de Puentes. On the
Day 58: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Cycling)
One of those days when you think to yourself, "wouldn't this be a great place to come cycling again next year"! I do believe I also said the very
Day 57: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Cycle)
A welcome return to the Parque Regional de Sierra Espuna. The climb from either direction to the Collado Bermejo (Elevation approximately 1200 metres) is excellent. And there is a bonus, if you so
Day 56: Sanatorio de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Drive)
Sorry for "blog silence". Where I've been parked is a blackhole for mobile signals! Therefore I'm currently in blog catch-up mode. This blog post relates to the
Day 55: Agost (Drive/Cycle)
I slept in this morning and did not awake until 9am! Probably because I didn't sleep too well last night. Perhaps my conscience was playing havoc with my mind. Last night
Day 54: El Campello (Alicante)
Evening in El Campello: I was going to make a visit to Alicante anyway. So when I awoke and it was wall-to-wall cloud I thought that today's the day. The sun
Day 53: Busot (Ciclo)
Today's route was chosen such that it passed through a valley with blooming almond trees! Although there were two main climbs (one about 17 kilometres in length the other about 11
Day 52: Busot (Ciclismo)
A day for exercising ghosts! Way back in the year of our Lord 2023, during the month of February, on the 13 day, a Monday, I embarked on a bicycle ride that featured
Day 51: Busot (Cycling)
Plenty of cycling and climbing today. The first climb was about 19 kilometres in length (roughly 12 miles) with an average gradient of about 5 percent to Port de Tibi (Elevation 725 metres)
Day 50: Busot (Drive/Cycle)
Sunset from Busot: I've moved to a great park-up location located on the outskirts of Busot. Here is a photograph of the old Busot Castle and my van: Today's
Day 49: Venta Lanuza (Drive)
New chain day! If I'd planned ahead then I may have had a better day. Yet, I did have some good luck! You may recall that my bicycle was in need
Day 48: Relleu (Ciclismo)
Port de Tudons arrival from the South: Double Port de Tudons. Yes, today's ride provided two opportunities to reach the elevation of 1025 metres. In fact there are four routes to
Day 47: Relleu (Cycling)
It was windy last night - it awoke me. However, at getting up time it was calm, which remains the case. So, in summary, the weather was good for cycling. About one kilometre
Day 46: Relleu (Rest Day)
Relleu by day: The first task of the day was to do some routine cycle maintenance, which included a check of the chain's wear. It turns out that the chain has
Day 45: Relleu (Cycle)
Just a mere 100 kilometres offering more than 2000 metres of climbing was definitely a good way to spend this sunny day with little or no wind and virtually zero motorised traffic. It