USA 2014

Dave's 191 Day, 10,000 Mile, North American Cycling Odyssey Documented by Daily Posts.

Day 191: San Diego

..... so I return to the place where I started 191 days ago ... six months older ... hopefully somewhat fitter .... a little more tanned .... and probably none the wiser! It's been a most

Day 189: San Onofre State Beach

At some of the hiker / biker sites you are allowef to stay two nights. However, this morning I discovered that at Dana Point State Beach you cannot. So Josh (he also rolled into

Day 188: Dana Point State Beach

Great coffee and breakfast at Dogtown Coffee. Then it was a leisurely 80 mile cycle to the state park, which is the closest to south L.A. with hiker / biker pitches ($6 a

Day 186: Los Angeles

With the Getty Museum probably being located as close to me as it is ever likely to be, I was most keen to visit it. I therefore thought it incumbent upon me to

Day 185: Malibu Beach RV Park

Originally the plan was to stay a Zuma Point State Beach. However, It was incorrect of me to assume that there would be a hiker / biker sites here, let alone a campground. So

Day 182: Santa Barbara

So last night at approximately 8.20pm Brian and I were sat at the campsite table having a chat about cycle touring when all of a sudden to cars pull up, "music&

Day 181: Lompoc

A very pleasant start to the day with a short ride to San Luis Obispo for breakfast and some L.A. hotel research (it looks to be more money than I'm

Day 180: Morro Bay State Beach

So after much agonising and gnashing of teeth it looks as though I'm going to continue cycling the coastal route. Last night, after my celebratory meal, I spent a fair bit

Day 179: Cambria

So I left Big Sur and cycled to Nepenthe Cafe. It is expensive, but the views are supposed to be fantastic. Here is what I saw: Although I could not see the sea,

Day 176: Half Moon Bay

So, after a relaxing morning that included a visit to a bike shop, coffee shop and some more gelato, it was back on the road for the final leg of this cycle tour

Day 174: San Francisco (Rest Day)

A very pleasant, relaxing day ..... well, after the hangover subsided! ..... strolling the Streets of San Francisco. Here is a view of said streets, as taken from a top the Coit Tower on Telegraph

Day 172: China Camp State Park

In the knowledge that we were catching a train to Martinez at 1:09pm, a lie-in until 8am was the order of the day. Then it was laundary, followed by eggs benedict at

Day 172: Merced

After a relaxing morning in Yosemite, including visits to the Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite Museum and Indian Village, we set off into the unknown. That is, we did not know the exact route

Day 171: Yosemite

For many a day I'd anticipated that this would be a day of unbounded joy, and it did not disappoint. We started the day with breakfast burritos in the company of

Day 170: Lee Vining

*6.41am departure started with a climb over Monitor Pass at 8,314ft (8 miles, 2,300ft of climbing) before breakfast at KOA restautant (very good). *Then it was over Devils Gate Summit

Day 169: Markleeville

Oh the luxury of a bed and a lie-in. Finally arose at 9.30am and after a great breakfast we hit the road at 11.30am. Once again, thanks Jim for your fine