Day 20: Tuba City
So the day started well with strong tail winds aiding my peddling toward Second Mesa where I spent an hour or so at the Hopi Museum.

However, as the day progressed the wind direction changed from easterly to south-westerly, not only that, it's speed increased. The up shot was that for the last 20 miles or so, that were supposed to be an easy downhill, turned into a battle against the wind ....... oh, it is so disappointing when you have to peddle downhill and, even then, when your speed is only 6 or 7 miles an hour, disappointment is somewhat an understatement, perhaps, pissed off, would be more appropriate. Unless, of course, you accept that "it is what it is" (to quote Sue) and tomorrow is another day: surely it is not going to be like this tomorrow?!! ........