Day 30: Denia (Finale)

As with all good things, the finale had to arrive. And it did so in style. Lynn created a great ride to end our set of Denia rides. A ride that took us up to the Puerte de La Vall d'Ebo, which after descending it yesterday, I last night thought it would make for a good climb today. It did.

Some photos from the summit:

Unfortunately one of the posse was playing at being shy, so we only get to see part of their arm, a bit of glove and their helmet! So it goes.

Finally, to misquote Dr Seuss: now that this Denia mini-adventure is over, I shan't be sad, instead I'm very pleased that it happened. Happy days.

  • Distance driven: 0
  • Distance cycled: 84km
  • Weather: 5°C in the van this morning, followed by wall-to-wall sunshine!