Day 46: Agost (Cycle)

Moved about 3.5 miles down the road to a better park-up location, which is adjacent to the Via Verde: about 4.5 kilometers from its start point (i.e., where I was parked-up yesterday).

I think the via verde should be called the via creamy, because the path's surface colour is creamy rather than verde!

Today's cycle route was very good. The via verde is traffic free and has many a viaduct and tunnel. Indeed, you need lights for some of the tunnels. Recommended.

Then there was the Puerto de Tibi climb. Again, recommended

After that the route takes you down a narrow road that has little traffic on it and descends through a ravine, which I very much enjoyed. Once again recommended. However, be warned, the road's surface is a bit loose in places and there is a lot of grit on much of the road. It improves the further you descend.

The last section of the ride, before rejoining the via verde, is not much to write home about, but is predominantly on fairly decent cycle paths, so not all bad.

So, I'd definitely ride this route again, but I would see if there was an alternative route for the section just mentioned; so that the route becomes a 10/10 rather than a 8.5/10!

The Garmin was not up to the elevation task again today: Today's main climb reached an elevation of 725m, whilst the Garmin was indicating a height of only 584m !!

  • Distance driven: 3.5 miles
  • Distance cycled: 74km
  • Weather: Pretty overcast and a temperature of about 9°C for much of the day. Later in the afternoon it brightened up with the temperature rising to about 14°C.
  • Location: Google Maps

Today's route: