Day 46: Relleu (Rest Day)
Relleu by day:
The first task of the day was to do some routine cycle maintenance, which included a check of the chain's wear. It turns out that the chain has stretched such that the chain needs to be replaced. No problem I thought, I've brought a spare. Well no I bloody well have not! I've hunted high and low, virtually emptied my van, and can't find it for love nor money (neither of which I've been much good at!!). Oh dear, that was me nearly throwing a wobbly! Anyway, the result is, the chain has not been replaced and the morning and into the afternoon was wasted looking for something that is roughly 1944.99 kilometres (1208.56 miles) away!
Meanwhile, showers were forecast for the afternoon .... they didn't arrive until roughly 7pm! Better late than never! And, at 21:22 the wind has picked up ... hopefully it's not going to be too windy tonight.
Today, we went from one home on wheels to greater than one home on wheels:
- Distance drive: 0
- Distance cycled: 0
- Weather: 50/50 cloud and sunshine, rain later and increasing wind speed.