Day 52: Busot (Ciclismo)

A day for exercising ghosts!

Way back in the year of our Lord 2023, during the month of February, on the 13 day, a Monday, I embarked on a bicycle ride that featured the climb up to the Balcon de Alicante (Elevation 993 metres). It was the final climb of the day and I discovered just how difficult the final 4.8 kilometres of this climb are, which was made significantly harder than it needed to be as I suffered major cramp in my starboard (right) leg.

Not surprisingly (to me anyway!) I chose not to bother with it during last year's adventures in Spain. Probably because the experience was still too raw!

However, this year it was all systems go for another assault of this climb. But first there was another climb of Port de Tibi Elevation 725) but, from Xixona this time. It does have ramps of about 13% leaving the town, before you reach the climb info sign.

Once past the summit it was a fast descent down to the town of Tibi and beyond to the start of the climb to the Balcon de Alicante. I'm not going to say that the final 4.8 kilometres were easier this time, because it probably wasn't any easier but, cramping definitely wasn't an issue, which was a great relief. At the end of the climb I was drenched with sweat; it was as if I'd been in a shower fully clothed, perhaps, an indication as to why it didn't appear easier.

Cycling cliche No 1: Cycling doesn't get easier; you just get faster! (I definitely was not going fast!)

Due to haze there wasn't a view of Alicante from the balcony!

  • Distance driven: 0
  • Distance cycled: 79 kilometres
  • Weather: Sun with some cloud cover and a headwind climbing back up to Buscot (Elevation approximately 310 metres).

Today's route: