Day 63: Gorafe (Drive/Cycle)

Zero degrees C in the van at 7.30am: outside it was -2.9 degrees C!

This afternoon, whilst cycling in the Gorafe Desert, it was 18°C.

Here's some things I've learnt about gravel bike riding (as a newbie):

  1. If you're coming from a road bike background, at first you'll over estimate the distance you'll cover. Your, average speed my increase with improved bike handling skills and/or gravel bike riding experience. This applies to both ascending and descending.
  2. If you are planning a route as an exploratory ride, don't try to do too much in one go.
  3. Expect to have to hiker-bike some of the route. The problem is, you won't know how much of the route will require hiking beforehand!
  4. It is better to have lower gears, so that you can spin the pedals (rather than grind). If you put too much force into the pedal stroke, because you don't have a low enough gear, your back wheel is liable to lose traction; thus causing you to lose momentum.
  5. Obviously, as you get to know a particular route, you'll be able to ride it faster. However, when touring you are not going to benefit from this unless you are on a guided tour. So, again, don't over estimate the distance you'll travel.
  6. Therefore, based on the foregoing, plan shorter routes (perhaps with an optional extension just in case you are making better progress than anticipated), relax and enjoy the scenery!
  7. Oh yes, and having the correct tyre pressure is very important, which I'm still trying to get right. I think I'm still riding with too high tyre pressures!

Today, I had planned a near 70 kilometer, mainly off road, desert ride. However, because I did not start the ride until about midday, due to supermarket excursion and drive to start point, I made a mid-ride executive decision to bypass a section of off-road, which resulted in a reduced 55 kilometre ride. This enabled me to relax and enjoy the rest of the ride removing the time pressures I was beginning to experience because my average speed was lower than expected and I'd stopped more often than expected in order to appreciate the scenery/geology and to take photographs.

Here are some photos:

Photo taken while waiting for goats and goat herder to cross the ride:

The route goes down into the canyon/river bed:

Cycling up a river bed:

A desert landscape:

  • Distance driven: 27 miles
  • Distance cycled: 55 km
  • Weather: Freezing => Warming => Warm => Freezing => Expecting 0°C by tomorrow in the van at wake up time!
  • Location Google Maps

Today's Route (Mostly good, a small amount of hiking!)