Day 76: Salobrena (Cycle)

Today's low point: 2 metres
Today's high point: 1332 metres.
Today's outcome: More happiness on the bike!

Cycling "La Carretera de la Cabra" or "The Goat's Path" starts in Almunecar and is 36.7 kilometres in length with an average gradient of about 5%. It is quite something that even at the halfway mark there remains more than 10 miles of cycling before the summit comes into view! However, it is well worth the effort.

For me, the final 10 kilometres are the most interesting. So it is well worth persevering until you view the 25 km distance marker of the A-4050, which is effectively the only indication that you've achieved your goal of reaching the high point! Or do what I did and continue on for a kilometre or so of descent- just to make sure there is no more up!

The restaurant near the top was closed!

  • Distance driven: 0
  • Distance cycled: 95 km
  • New Milestone: I have now cycled 0.18 miles more than 2023 miles this year.
  • Weather: Nice (Although it was a wee bit too windy last night: at 20 minutes past the hour of midnight I had to turn the van around so that it was facing in to the wind. This was due to the gusting wind, which was rocking the van and generating bike cover induced noise!)

Today's Route: