Day 52: Busot (Ciclismo)
A day for exercising ghosts! Way back in the year of our Lord 2023, during
Today's route was a variation on a 2023 theme. The variations being:
To get to the EdB it was necessary to climb the La Llacuna (about 5km; average gradient 8.6%) and then continue on up to the Colladet de La Comba (total length including La Llacuna: 9.1 km; average gradient 6% with some 15% ramps - there is a sting in the tail!)
My bike at La Llacuna:
And at the summit of Comba:
Then on to the EdB (for the civil engineering!)
On leaving the EdB the early stages of the summit climb to Margarida (9.9 km; average gradient 3.8%) provide some steep ramps to enjoy! Fortunately, approximately halfway up the climb the direction of travel changed to an easterly direction, which meant I finally had a fairly strong tailwind - goodbye headwind! Thus, aiding the climbing and increasing the subsequent speed of descent back to Oliva Nova. The descent being about 35 km in length, broken by a short climb of about 2km and a final flat run in of !
Definitely a tough, but enjoyable ride! My legs were definitely feeling it on the final climb of the day, a short, sharp climb of about 2km!
Distance driven: 0
Distance cycled: 93 kilometres
Weather: Blue skies, sunshine and about 12 - 16°C
Today's route: