Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Well I must say that Pierre, with the exception of the European grandeur of the State Capital Building, was somewhat disappointing.
With regards to the day's cycling, it was a great day for cycling north west. Unfortunately I was cycling south east and, therefore into a strong headwind for most of the day. Accordingly I decided not to pedal too hard and to relax and go against the flow!, and in enjoy the scenery: more green rolling hills (3000ft / 925m of climbing). All in all a very enjoyable, relaxing cycle with the wind making for a cool ride (mid to high 60s°F / 18 - 21°C). All very pleasant (of course, excepting headwind, which reduced progress and thus the ultimate destination).
So tonight I camp at Big Bend Dam Campground. Never camped at a dam before, so glad to be camping here. Indeed, the campground is good with showers and grass to pitch tents, and only $10. Recommended.