Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
A most excellent ride in Colorado; fantastic scenery, almost 1000m of decent, coffee, ice cream and milk shake. Only the stretch along the State Road 9 tarnished the experience. This is perhaps the worst road, in terms of safety (excluding bridges), that I've had the misfortune to ride on during this tour. There is little or no hard shoulder, the speed limit is 65 mph and the drivers in Colorado are nuts! Driving too close and too fast past me and fellow cyclists. However, it must be said that most drivers have been very courteous and friendly to cyclists. Unfortunately it is the bad ones that you remember, and it only takes one idiot ....
So back to the good stuff. Here are a selection of today's photos:
US 40, Colorado River and Railroad
Apparently there is a limit to the size of sign that can be used to advertise a business, but there is no limit on the size of Old Glory that can be used!