Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Last night and this morning Sweetwater Junction was mosquito central. Even after taking precautionary measures I cycled away with approximately 15 - 20 bites, which appears to be the typical count. Even Bob L was seen wearing long trousers, the first time on tour, and he's pretty immune to them!
Rode most of the way with Brendon. Here he is with his upside down smile.
I love Wyoming. The great riding, scenery, geology, towns and people continues.
Today I rode singlespeed (gear 15) all the way to Lander, which had the effect of reducing my maximum speed to approx 12 mph. This meant that I had more time to appreciate thw Wyoming countryside.
Also arrived in time to watch the Holland vs Brazil match, and sample the locally brewed beer. And very good it was too. Prior to that I visited the local bike shop where I spotted this two sleeping beauties!
Also, on the way into Lander I saw this very odd sign: