Day 72: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle)
Going west would be best but it was gonna be rainy. At least by going
It is supposed to be an easy 72 mile cycle ride mostly down hill today. But, amazingly people were up before 5.50am, packing tents, preparing for the ride and generally making a noise. I know, it baffles me also why they would behave this way. What is the point in arriving in Ennis (population 838) for lunchtime when we could have had a lie in, relaxing breakfast and then a leisurely ride down the road. Amazing! And there was me thinking we were on a relaxing bicycle touring holiday. Instead it appears to me that for many it is anything but. Here endith the rant and, oh boy, do I feel better for it! (Written at 8.30am whilst enjoying a Cappuccino and pastry in the Book Peddler Coffee Shop).
Well it so turns out that this morning's rant may have been a little premature! This is because there was no room in the inns of Ennis and so we had to extend our day's cycle to Virginia City: An additional 14 miles, 10 of which were up hill! Indeed all the height that we lost over the previous 72 miles was more than gained over those 10 miles, just what we needed.
I know it is puerile, but ...