Day 52: Busot (Ciclismo)
A day for exercising ghosts! Way back in the year of our Lord 2023, during
Even before we departed on today's ride I was feeling tired. Then, immediately on setting off it was clear that it was going to be a hard day of cycling for me. And it was! However, discounting some strong headwinds during the outward leg of the ride and many steep ramps climbing the Coll de la Garga (elevation 761), oh yes, and the sting in the tail of the ride to the summit of Port de Sa Creueta (elevation 780m), we had a great tailwind homeward from Castell de Castells. In total we climbed about 1,800m: the only other climb of note, other than the two previously mentioned, was the Coll de Rates (elevation 620)
Also, cake and coffee was good:
Michael at the summit:
And the view looking towards Calpe from the summit of Coll de la Garga:
Today's route: