Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Eggs Benadict to start, followed by bike maintenance (new chain and bike bag fitted), lunch, purchase of replacement tent pole, and then it was load up the bike for the short journey to the train station.
I am currently on the Cascades train writing this blog entry with very mixed emotions regarding the end of the Trans Am Tour and the start of the next phase of this American Odyssey.
It occurs to me that perhaps I was a little churlish to occasionally bemoan early starts and early wake-ups. Clearly, if this is all that I have to complain about then, by any reckoning, things must be pretty good for me with life in generally and with the tour specifically. Thanks to all for making it such a memorable journey.
So thanks to Creed
And Ken
Who, like all good Generals, admirably led from the rear (as sweep!).
Then we have Adell, who worried her way over many a mountain pass. Proving that nothing is as good or as bad as it may first seem. Oh but she has a wicked, dry, sense of humour. Thanks for the laughs.
On each day, Adell and Christi rode together, and on the odd occasion that they did not, missed each other immensely.
Christi is a strong rider and apart from keeping Adell company kept me honest on one or two climbs!
A similarly excellent pairing was Brenden and Jeff. Jeff did the navigating and Brenden acted as an additional pair of ears! They could certainly ride at a good pace that they interspersed with roadside cat naps!
Brenden (Eyes closed (sorry), sporting West Ham United top)
Another pairing was Bob P and Carl. Our early birds. Who regularly arose before the dawn chorus. Indeed, on most days they were on the road before the rest of us had risen (well perhaps before either Alex and I had risen). Carl's day usually starts at 4am!!!!!!!!
Carl (Man of action: Cycling, Hiking, Caving, Cave Rescue, Ex Ultra Runner ... an inspiration to us youngsters!)
Bob P, jazzman and camp harmonica player extraordinar.
Then we have Bob L the Baltimore Express. Usually made it to camp first, even after checking out any rail orientated attractions and historic sites.
And, last but not least, the youngest member of the team, at 23, Alex. Who will shortly be let loose in the cut and thrust world of videography. Good luck. Enjoy. And I hope that I will soon see your name passby on the credits to the latest blockbuster.
Good luck to you all in your future endevours, whether that be cycling, moving to Bend, swimming, making videos and/or music/jazz, psychoanalysis or simply undertaking a PhD in lingistics!
It was good riding accross America with you all.