Day 72: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle)
Going west would be best but it was gonna be rainy. At least by going
So, just for fun (!) , we extended our ride to include an addition short(ish) climb to give a total milage of 110 miles and 1683m of climbing.
However, on arrival at our campground we discovered that the store was closed and that there was not even a vending machine with drinks. I was not impressed and got the impression that Sinclair was sliding into depression so I consulted the google oracle and discovered that 3.2 miles back down the road (0.5 mile from where we turned) there was a brew pub.
So we visited the Caldera brewary .... with Sinclair leading the ride to it at maximum speed .... where some excellent food and drink was had.
So all's well that ends well!
But, highlight of the day was seeing a black bear cross the road very nonchalantly, some 100ft in front of us. The first one of the tour.