Day 73: Pueblo Salinas (Cycling)
Some very good cycling was had today. First was a visit to the dam at
Another day cycling in the sun. The highlight of the ride was the climb up La Llacuna.
It seemed to me that the climb was hard but, according to PJAAM: a good cycle climb info site, the average gradient is only 6.1% over 9.5km. I think the info-graphic's 8.6% average gradient (see photo above) better reflects my perceived effort!
However, this was not the only climb. There were two more lesser climbs. Be warned, the climb immediately after the La Llacuna has a nasty we sting in the tail: The Garmin GPS indicated a gradient of 20%! (Mind you the Garmin often lies!)
Here's a photo from the top indicating a descent gradient of 12% in the direction I was travelling. Stupidly I didn't look behind me! Maybe there was nothing to see!
Distance driven: approximately 220 yards (marginally better park-up!)
Distance cycled: 68km
Weather: Wind speeds have dropped. The sun was out: afternoon temperatures at sea level about 14°C. The big descent of the day was cold; base layer, cycling jersey, wind jacket, brevet insulated gilet and rain jacket were all worn (simultaneously). Gloves were found to be inadequate, so I'll pack full on winter gloves for tomorrow's excursion into the hills.