January 20, 2023

Day 23: Gandia (Ciclismo)

Weather: let's just say that winter gloves were not required for today's descents! (Although the maximum elevation was less today the temperatures were higher throught the day: about 15°C at 10am, about 18°C mid afternoon). It did start to cloud over at about 3.30pm and was wall to wall cloud by 5.30pm. Is there going to be rain? .... so not a "just say" afterall!

Just a wee reminder!:

They do them in blue too!:

And the first climb was:

Very poor aesthetics regarding signpost arrangement!
And the second was:

The third climb clearly did not meet with the requisite standards for signage!

Distance driven: 0
Distance cycled: 78km
Weather: See above

Today's route: (Note: the route as shown is the easier way to go and, you get to go down the well tarmaced multi-hairpined descent twice! If taken in reverse you are looking at a 10% climb (twice!) - either way it is worth doing)