Day 72: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle)
Going west would be best but it was gonna be rainy. At least by going
80 Mile Cycle. First 20 miles 66 minutes. Second and Third 20 miles 82 minutes each. Then, in the afternoon with the temperature in to the 30°C, the last 20 took 100 minutes.
The route took us through Langtry, which was named after Lilley Langtry with whom Judge Roy Bean was some what infatuated by. It would appear that he wrote to her on numerous occasions. Eventually she visited but, unfortunately for the Judge, he was unable to meet her as he'd died two months previously!
The following is the saloon that he ran, from which he administered his own brand of justice, which usually consisted of a fine and a round of drinks for those in attendance!
Other photos include a train crossing a dried up canyon and the Pecos Bridge.
Finally, this evening an amateur astronomer held an impromptu star party using his home made 11 inch telescope. We saw; Jupiter, Mars, the Moon and the trapezium of M42. Most impressive.