Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Back on the road again for an easy 80 miles on a sunny April day.
Last night there was some heavy rain, thunder and lightning and the campsite we were supposed to travel to today was effectively a pond! So we had to travel an extra 6 miles to the Journey's End Campsite. Adjacent to which is the Shed (BBQ and Blues Venue) where we had dinner and listened to a 13 and 16 year old girls singing the blues!
Apparently a few days ago there were waves of water coming through the campsite; Jo said that her friend in Florida was reporting that 26.5 inches of rain have fallen in 48 hours (it does not seem possible); and the group doing this tour one week ahead of us are stuck in a hotel in Tallahassee! A week is a long time in bike touring! (to misquote Rab Butler)