Day 37: Moraira (Cycle)
Big Stat that I forgot to mention yesterday: My accumulated distance cycled since leaving the
Amazing! I left Salida dry and arrived in Fairplay dry and, was also dry for each and every mile in between. How good is that? Absolutely exceeded all expectations.
This morning I met Josh and Jeremy, two mountain bikers cycling the continental divide who arrived in the hostel at 1am this morning having cycled approximately 90 miles in the rain, encountered quagmires, a rear mech broke (fortunately a spare was carried) and mountain lions paid them a visit. Now that's what you call adventure cycling!
Other news: I forgot to mention that I have a place on this year's RAGBRAI (ride accross Iowa), which is good news as hopefully I'll catch up with some folk from last year, plus I won't have to carry my stuff for a week!