Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
Plenty of cycling and climbing today. The first climb was about 19 kilometres in length (roughly 12 miles) with an average gradient of about 5 percent to Port de Tibi (Elevation 725 metres).
There were another 10 climbs of varying length and steepness. The main reason for the route was to visit Font Roja (Elevation 1060 metres): the high point of the day. Where I topped up my water bottle:
And saw this fox:
Eventually I arrived at the second highest point of the day, from which there is a great descent to be had:
It was mostly a good route. Mostly, because I encountered some roads where the road surface was in very poor repair.
However, what made it more enjoyable than it otherwise might have been was that I forgot to where my cycling helmet! Oh the freedom!
Indeed, this is the third time I've set off leaving something behind: Today, my helmet; three days ago I forgot my "fruit and nuts" for snacking/lunch; a couple of weeks ago I forgot my water bottle!
Today's route: