Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
So last night having had dinner and a couple of beers at Buck's sports bar (recommended), I was cycling back to the campground when, out of the blue, I felt a sense of maudlin creeping up on me. Taken somewhat suprised by this I started to question what I was doing and why I'd ever thought it a good idea to return to Rawlins?
Today it became abundantly clear why I had: Wyoming is a great state to cycle through. I had a fantastic day: the scenery was great the weather dramatic and I met some very interesting folk.
Indeed, at Jeffrey City, I met Don: He has invited me to stay with his family in Lander (Tomorrow's destination), which I have happily accepted.
Then, when I arrived at Sweetwater Junction, I was invited to join two other cyclists and our hosts (a small community of Mormons) for dinner, which was both unexpected and a pleasure. It was a very pleasant end to a great day in Wyoming.
Just in case you do not already know, I really like Wyoming.