Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Today's ride was a kind of out and back again event. Then moving on.
The weather App was forecasting rain and temperatures of about 8°C in Tabernas and a mere 6°C and rain way up in the mountains. I was therefore wavering about whether to cycle or take a rest day.
Since the rain at the top of the mountain was not predicted to arrive until early afternoon I convinced myself that I could make a dash for it: 1) because I didn't want to leave this area without doing today's ride; 2) Tabernas is not a place where you'd want to loiter too long; and 3) The forecast was looking worse for tomorrow!
So off I set for a 31 kilometre climb from Tabernes to Puerto de Alto de Velefique, elevation 1,820m. A few miles into the cycle ride the Garmin was indicating a temperature of 11°C but, as I cycled on, and gained height, the temperatures dropped until, at the summit it was 4°C. so I hid behind a wall and donned all my spare clothes and winter gloves. As I was about to set off, my right hand was a wee bit cold because it was ungloved whilst I took photos. As a result it became painfully cold on the decent, on which the Garmin was indicating 1.5°C near the top due to wind chill. Fortunately, the main climb/descent is only 14 kilometres in length, thereafter the gradient is much shallower. At which point I cycled like billy-o until I reached Tabernas. I was just about warmed up by the time I reached the van, having cycled Billy-o style for approximately 17 kilometres wearing 5 top layers (baselayer, long sleeve cycle top, windbock jacket, gilet and rain jacket)!
But, most importantly, it could have been so much worse if the rain had decided to join the party! But, next time, I think I'll wait until the sun shines!
After, a shower, lunch, coffee and biscuits, a quick tidy up, and a quick food and water top up, I moved 9 miles down the road to set up camp in the desert. Unfortunately, the recommended spot is anything but deserted: there must be about 15 to 20 motorhomes here!
Today's route (I actually started in Tabernas from yesterday's location):