Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
Originally I had a route planned that, like yesterday, would take me up into the Sierra de Los Filabres where there is good mountain passes to be cycled. I would definitely recommend cycling in the Filabres.
However, when I awoke, looked out the window and then checked the weather forecast, cycling up into the Filabres didn't look like a very good idea. Due to low clouds the mountains could not be seen and the forecast temperatures up at the colls were about 5°C and there was a 25% chance of rain from 1pm. So I opted for a low level or, perhaps that should be lower level, cycle: my starting elevation was 720 metres and I climbed to a maximum elevation of about 970 metres.
Instead, what I chose to do was cycle to Basa and back using the Via Verde Guadix-Almendricos (Baza-Valle del Almanzora) (Via Verde del Hierro). Although the riding surface varied, it was an easy ride with gradients typically below about 3%.
I thought I'd stop in Basa for coffee and cake but, yet again I was caught out by Andalucia Day! Everything was closed for the day - even the coffee shops! So it goes!
Twice I had to navigate this ye-olde railway bridge:
And here is a close-up view of its dilapidated state:
I imagine that in the UK the bridge would have been sealed off with fencing, barbed wire and "no tresspass" signs - here no!
And here's a smorgasbord of the riding surfaces I encountered today:
Transitioning from mud that is like concrete to small loose stone chips
Stone chips
A different kind of mud at an old station
Cinder track and wooden bridge
Half-and-half old pavement and sand/fine stones chips
The ride started with the latter old pavement sand/fine stones combination and, naively, I thought it was going to by like that all the way to Basa! Yet again I made an assumption that was wrong! Will I never learn?
Combining today's ride with yesterday's and a ride from Basa in 2023 I have now cycled almost the whole of the Via Verde Guadix-Almendricos. Just need to do the section from Serón to Olula del Rio.
Finally, shortly after departing, I had a very strong gut feeling I was leaving the van in a place which was unsafe - I worried somewhat whilst out on the ride, many a negative scenario went through my mind and so I was pleased to return to find all was well with my home on wheels! Phew. Fortunately, these feelings only rarely occur.
Today's route: