May 23, 2014

Day 68: Charlottesville

A pleasant ride to Charlottesville (49 miles), except for being chased by two Staffordshire Terriers and then a Beagle and his pal, and subsequently nearly deafened by a great big black dog as he barked with his head out of the window of a passing car: it almost got messy! A the dogs are not supposed to be a real priblem until we get to Kentuky!

And here we see Bobsicle ready for a bike ride in the sun.


Bob is keen to be on the road early. Indeed I have not seen either him or Carl (his cycling buddy) the past two mornings as they have been away before I have arisen! This morning it was a 6.15am departure for them. Whereas I only managed an 8am drparture following the consumption of 3 oatmeal pancakes. The organic oatmeal having been ground earlier in the morning by William. They were fantastic. Thanks William for these and your hospitality.