Day 73: Pueblo Salinas (Cycling)
Some very good cycling was had today. First was a visit to the dam at
Well, what a surprise, before I new it, I was up, dressed, everything stowed, no breakfast and, on the road; yet it was only 7.30 ish in the morning. And, no it was not a dream, I was actually driving in the dark, during the early morning rush hour through Saint-Jean-de-Luz on my why to what I thought was "The cheap petrol station", in Irun, Spain. Unfortunately, it was for HGVs only! Fortunately, I'd spotted "EasyGas" enroute, diesel at €1.679 a litre: cheapest I'd seen this (and last) year!
So with a full tank of diesel it was off to Pamplona on an empty stomach!
The "wee fly in the ointment" came when my navigator (google maps), for reasons unbeknownst to me, chose to route me off of the perfectly good main road (N-121-A) on to a single carriageway Category 3 climb (road NA-1210), which we (when I say we, I mean the van and I) subsequently rejoined 10km down the road!
Initially somewhat perturbed by this turn of events, I grew to enjoy the climb and, as we started our descent a small "Belate" came into view, where I stopped for breakfast.
Breakfast stop.
Then, having reached Pamplona without further mishap, I made the executive decision to continue onwards to Zaragoza. The reason being: I realised I wanted to expedite my arrival at the coast, rather than spend time exploring Pamplona and Zaragoza. I'm assuming there'll be other times for that.
Accordingly, Valencia here we come! See ya tomorrow!