January 4, 2025

Day 7: el Saler (Valencia Visit)

A relaxing day. Just a visit to the city of Valencia. The main reason for visiting was to buy a Spanish Vodafone SIM Card: €15 (about £12.45) per month for 100GB of data, so no more GB anxiety for me!

I found a coffee shop named "Coffee and Bikes", well, I thought, what's not to like, better give the coffee a try. Sadly, the coffee was only a 4 out of 10. Most disappointing!

But I did find some excellent organic ice cream.

Later I saw a statue of a man on a horse, with neither a traffic cone upon the head of the man nor the horse! It's a Glasgow thing! Mind you, perhaps the statue's elevation also has something to do with the non placement of traffic cone(s).

Distance driven: 0
Distance cycled: 0
Weather: Very pleasant at about 18°C.