Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Summer has arrived! At least it has down here! I know I've mentioned the perceived temperature increase over the previous two days. However, on the lower slopes of this morning's climb, where there was not a breath of air, it was 28°C. And, given the effort I was putting into the climb, I was melting! Concerned that I would overheat or, run out of water, I eased off a bit (from slow to slower!). It did not help that the steepest part of the climb was in the lower slopes until a little before reaching the pueblo of Rubite.
Although there was a water fountain in Rubite, where I could potentially top up my bidon, I wasn't sure whether the fountain was dispensing potable water. As good luck would have it, just as I arrived a young lady was passing by, so in my pidgin Spanish I asked if the agua was bueno para beber. The problem then arose that she responded in Spanish and I didn't have the faintest idea what she was saying! Fortunately, Google translate came to the rescue, she typed in the spanish and out popped: "I don't know if it is safe but we all drink it"!! Seeing as she looked perfectly well to me, I filled my bidon!
With the gradient decreasing to 5 or 6 percent it was plain sailing to the summit, where the temperature was about 24°C.
The descent was excellent and was accomplished wearing short sleeve summer cycling clothes - for the first time on this trip.
Next time I think I'd ascend the descent and descend the ascent and, should you wish to ascend to Haza del Lino (elevation 1280m), I recommend you also do the route in reverse.
Returning to sea level, the wind had picked up considerably and, it was a strong head wind all the way back to the van - the temperature was 26°C.
Today's route ( I rode the route as shown because my research informed me that the road up to Rubite was in poor condition and, under these conditions it is my opinion/experience that it is better to ascend than descend on poorly maintained roads. However, that road is now in good condition. I therefore recommend you do the route in reverse - that's the way I'll be going next time!).