Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Last night there was much concern as 70 year old Brenden was very late arriving in to camp. Indeed, it was well after dark, many hours after his eta, that he turned up. It would appear that he got lost and was then given poor directions as to how to get back on track. But, nonetheless, he made it to the campsite under his own steam, so well done to Brenden for riding an extra 30 miles and getting to camp without any assistance.
Here we see Brenden entering Camp Bethel.
So today we camp at Camp Bethel, a Church Community Campsite. It is in a very pleasant location and follows on from a great bike ride, with great scenery, some climbing, a 3 mile descent (steep with many turns, so most exhilarating) off of the Blue Ridge Skyline Drive to Vesuvius, followed by coffee and gelato in Lexington.
By the way, in case you were wondering, the cycling does not get any easier ..... all that happens is that you get faster!