Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Today's News
Article 1: It rained for the first 18 miles.
Article 2: The sun did not bother to make an appearance until I arrived at destination. Accordingly, I wished I'd not bothered with the sun tan lotion.
Article 3: Had brunch in the Rustlers Diner, with Christi, Adell, Brendon, Jeff and Creed, and very enjoyable it was too.
Article 4: Helped two turtles in their effort to cross the road. Hopefully this prevented or, at least delayed, them adding to the road kill statistics!
Article 5: We are camping in the grounds of the Reynolds County Courthouse.
Article 6: Great raspberry milkshake at the 21 Diner (Centerville).
Article 7: Our replacement leader will join us on Tuesday. His name is Ken.
Article 8: Arlan, the ACA Tour Directot, will also be joining us for a few days.
Article 9: Sue will leave us on Friday. Good luck Sue with your own tours, it has been great having you onboard.
Article 10: And finally, the photograph for today's caption competition is: