Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
So Ewan and I were cycling to our point of departure when a cyclist passed by us on one of those go faster carbon fibre type bikes. Shortly down the road we caught up with said cyclist walking his bike: he'd punctured! As Devon had neglected to carry a pump I leant him mine. Well it turns out that he is the lead singer of a beat combo named "Devon Coyote" and they played in the Opera House in Waterton Village this evening, and very good they were too. Check them out here.
To Mrs Walker: I took good care of your son, as you can see (checkout Cochrane posting) he arrived safely and departed in one piece!
. I understand that his ride today was somewhat more adventurous than my own but he did arrive safely in Longview.