Day 73: Pueblo Salinas (Cycling)
Some very good cycling was had today. First was a visit to the dam at
As you can see it was foggy this morning in Zaragoza. However, I'm imagining that is not what caught your eye in this photograph. More likely you noticed the two long lines of white motorhomes. I must say that I was somewhat surprised to arrive yesterday afternoon to see so many motorhomes parked-up at this time of the year. Hate to think what it must be like in the summer. I was glad not be staying.
Anyway, Valencia's siren call was beckoning me to its shores! And yet, here I find my self in an even larger, but much more dispersed gaggle (for wont of a better collective noun) of motorhomes and campervans! I can sense a common theme developing; I dread think what it must be like during summer season. Not to unnecessarily bore you, I hope not to mention this theme again! It is a given. Not only that, I don't intend to ever be here during that there hottest of seasons to witness the true horror that my imagination has conjured up!
Apart from my imagination running riot, and the stress inducing drive through the heart of Valencia that Google Maps said would save me four minutes (out of a near 4 hour drive!), it was a very pleasant drive down to Valencia.