Day 68: La Isleta del Moro (Drive)
We are experiencing way too much weather down here in Andalusia! This period of inclementness
A very pleasant cycle where there were some firsts for this second Spanish cycling/campervan odyssey.
The first first was the first official coll: Coll de sa Palomera. I do believe this to be the coll with the lowest elevation that I've traversed.
The second first was my first view of the Serra de Tramuntana. Where I hope to be cycling soon - weather dependent!
The third first was the first section of off-road "gravel" riding this trip. Actually it was more chalky than gravelly but, more importantly, the gradient was fairly gentle and the surface was not too gnarly. In other words it was perfectly ridable with non of that there "hiker biker" shenanigans. Just how I like it!
Other positives were:
The negative:
Talking of descents, there were 9 (Garmin) climbs today, most less than 1.5 km in length and the longest about 6.5 km. The shorter climbs tended to be pretty steep, with ramps hovering around the high teens to 20% gradients, with correspondingly steep descents. After that aforementioned first "iffy" moment I was, given my recent misfortunes, a little more weary on the descents, especially those with cross winds.
It is also very apparent that there is much money awash in Mallorca, that is, if the quality of the residential property is anything to go by.
All-in-all a pleasant few hours on the bike.
Today's misfortune - the charging port on my second (emergency!) phone is, to put it politely, now no longer working!
Today's offical ride (a couple of kilometres added due to curiosity detour, which are not shown here!)
Here are some more photos:
A deserted beach