Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
This afternoon I arrived at my new location: the car park of an abandoned hotel!
Here we can see the first descent and ascent (the road going up the side of the hill, just visible through the mist) of tomorrow's ride:
Very tired this morning: partly due to previous days' cycling effort and, partly due to being woken up by noisy people keeping me awake for about an hour from roughly 1.30 am!
Woke up a 9.03am to discover that my van was sandwiched between two cars that weren't parked in front and behind me when I departed for the land of nod last night! Resigned to my non-moving-on fate, I made breakfast.
Fortunately, as I was clearing up from breakfast the owner and his kids returned to the car behind me. I managed to explain I was leaving in five minutes (just enough time for me to make sure everything was stowed away such that stuff didn't go flying when I drove the van) and, could he move his car so that I could get out. This was achieved by a combination of words and the use of internationally recognised hand/arm gestures!
Basically the rest of the day was spent resting, once I'd: purchased some basic provisions at a basic supermarket; laundered my clothes; purchased bread from the local Panadería; driven to my current park-up location; emptied the grey water; topped up the fresh water; emptied the black water; stowed away the washing; made lunch; swept/hoovered the floor; had coffee and biscuits; recycled recycling; disposed of non-recyclable waste; and, finally, taken photos for this post! (oh, yes and written the post! So not quite at the resting phase!)
100 days total distance driven: 2645 miles
100 days total distance cycled: 3350 miles
Distance driven 26
Distance cycled 0
Weather: Dust haze; not a breath of fresh air; 25°C outside the van; 27°C inside it: in other worlds not my kind of weather!