June 28, 2014

Day 103: Ness City

Today we visited Fort Larned on the Santa Fa Trail. The fort was built in the second half of the 19th Century. Suprisingly the buildings were made of stone, I was expecting wood, but that simply highlighted my ignorance. These were no trees on the Plains to start with, so adobe or stone were the only building materials!

Fort Larned

From there it was off to La Crosse to visit the Barbed Wire Museum.

Barbed Wire Museum

And here is an example of the traditional limestone post and barbed wire fence (remember, wood was not available for posts.


Flower: White

Creature: Caterpillar

Road: US 183

Very windy day (20 - 30 mph, but from South (mainly) and we were heading West, except for a 23 mile section heady North (v. fast and easy) and 4 miles South (v. slow and tough).