So today I'm 60.00273785078713 years old! Doesn't time fly!
That is me in France, but only just! I set off at about 9.15am and finally parked-up at about 7.15pm.

My location is approximately five kilometres from the Spanish border.
Not only am I subject to a language change, I left my overnight location this morning in glorious sunshine only to arrive at tonight's park-up location where it is wall-to-wall clouds and looking like it could rain at any moment!
- Distance driven: 435 miles at a steady 60 mph (where appropriate!); at least that is what the speedometer was indicating. However, the satellites gave a speed of 90 kilometres per hour, which equates to 56 mph. I think the satellites likely to be the correct speed. This is because one of those roadside signs that provides you with your current speed agreed with the satellites, not the speedometer! If I had been able to drive at 56 mph the travel time would have been approximately 7 hours and 45 minutes, rather than the 10 hours that it actually took, which includes "stopped time".
- Distance cycled: 0
- Weather: Sunshine to overcast and a halving in temperature °C
- Location: Google Maps