Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
Well it was a chilly night in Maire. In fact it was so unexpectedly cold that the cold woke me during the night and, I had to don extra clothing for warmth.
When I awoke at about 6.45am for an early start it was 2°C outside and about 7°C inside the van. The early start was to get to a Boulangerie early before the "good" bread was sold out: It was an hour or so drive away.
However, again I was confronted with road closures and detours. There were two closures, both of which were on roads crossing the same river, which created an extra long division and a delayed arrival at the Boulangerie. Fortunately, there remained plenty of bread to choose from and I snuck in a wee pastry treat too!
Another however soon arrived following my departure from my Boulangerie parking spot, which was caused by a Google Maps routing issue. The issue arose because, due to traffic constraints, I was forced to leave the parking space and travel in the opposite direction from which the satnav was directing me to go (a traffic sign forced me to turn right when I would have preferred to left turn). The "satnav" soon re-routed but, in doing so, routed me into a very narrow cul-de-sac, which then would have had me driving through someone's garden. Naturally I didn't continue onwards. Instead I made a less than hasty reward traverse of the very narrow lane, followed by a very tight (nominal) 3-point turn. I can assure you it wasn't fun.
Accordingly, I was beginning to think that this was not going to be a good day if it continued as it had started. But, fortunately, the rest of the journey was fairly uneventful.
However, I did require an extended stop in the afternoon for a two-hour or so cat-knap: for the past 4 or 5 nights I've not been sleeping too well and, finally it totally caught up with me. I was feeling absolutely shattered, with a headache and felt a little sick. The sleep, followed by a coffee and some food, had me feeling better and the rest if the drive went without incident, eventually arriving at tonight's park-up at about 8.20pm - I set off at about 7.15am and covered about 311 miles!
That's it, the last night of this here odyssey on foreign land.