Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Oh what joy: A lie-in until 5.30AM! On the road for approximately 6.20AM.
And really great 100 miles of cycling: met a lot of great people along the way and, according to John, a veteran of 10 RAGBRAI, and local inhabitant, "today was the best ever weather conditions for cycling in Iowa!
Then, Steve from the Eldora Fire Brigade saw me consulting the town map and enquired if I needed help, yes I said, "could you point me in the direction of the launderette"?. There isn't one was his replay. To put it bluntly: bollocks thought I (I had not one piece of clean clothing, other than that which I was stood in!) Fortunately, after a bit of chat, Steve offered to wash my stuff using the fire station's washer and drier. Yet more kindness and generosity. Thanks to Steve, I won't be riding smelly tomorrow!