Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Yesterday, whilst in Denver, Indiana, in the local cafe, the TV was on and I was informed that it was snowing in Wyoming and Montana!
Meanwhile, here in Indiana, today's weather was the best it's been for days. (Relatively) low humidity and a tailwind.
And the cycling was also good, well, mostly. I did have to walk my bike at one point. Having passed some one lane road barriers (signs missing and one broken) I came across this:
And here, safely on the other side (often the road surface can become very slippery when it turns into a river bed):
Indeed, having spoken to some farmers both in Illinios and Indiana, it would appear that there has been too much rain in these parts: enough damage such that farmers have had to re-sow their fields, some more than once!
So tonight I stay in Monroeville's community center (free, at no cost, nada). Warren, amongst others have been accommodating cyclists here for many a year. The place not only includes a shower, but there is also free laundry facilities and just down the road is Whippy Dip, the local ice cream parlour. I had four scoops (I had two initially, but the ice cream was good and the scoops rather small!).
And finally, big boys toys: but in this case either the toy is too big or the pond too small!