Day 73: Pueblo Salinas (Cycling)
Some very good cycling was had today. First was a visit to the dam at
Today was the first "proper" cycle of this Spanish cycling/van tour. Mostly it was good. The two bits that were not are: (1) the hiker-bike section coming down from the high summit on a very steep ramblers track that was un-rideable: by me anyway! And (2) a mechanical, which at one point I thought I wouldn't be able to cycle back to the van: some 30 or so kilometres away, as the cycle rides!
Fortunately, the hiker-bike section only added about 1.5 hours to the day! And I was able to solve the mechanical, enabling me to complete the ride. The bike needs a clean and a wee bit of a fettling tomorrow anyway, so I can make a more permanent fix of the aforementioned mechanical then.
At the top.
Hiking down from the top (as seen in the distance).
The first official climb of the trip, but not the big one of the day, which was about 13km long with approximately 740m of climbing, mostly on gravel/rough stuff.
Oh yes, other than my routing error (sending me down a steep ramblers track (must do better!)), the big mistake of the day was forgetting to wear my cycling helmet! It was 10km into the ride before I'd realised what I'd done. I was not for turning back; thankfully I was not stopped by anyone in Authority! Although I did get what appeared to be some odd looks from some cyclists: but I suppose that's nothing new there!
Distance driven: 0
Distance cycled: 80km
Weather: Sunny
Mosquitoes killed: 0
Today's ride: