August 12, 2015
Day 148: Old Forge
Today's main events:
- Chased by a dog
- Chased by another dog (a bloody great dane) well, kind of, he mainly bounded alongside the road.
- An old lady said she did not mean to run me off the road as she turned into the parking lot. Nonetheless, she succeeded.
- I was admonished by an old man supported by his Zimmer frame for using inappropriate language as an old lady ran me off the road!

As for the cycling, after a few easy days in the saddle it was a great day of cycling as I road into the Adirondack Hills.

Also over the past couple of days I've noticed a significant increase in the number of trailer homes. Also many a property I passed today was in a pretty poor state of repair: Although by no means all of the properties, there were emough to suggest that there is much poverty in the area.