January 17, 2023

Day 20: Cullera (Messages etc.)

Last night's location was not as sheltered as I thought, as evidenced by the shaking of the van when struck by the more violent gusts. As a result a broken sleep was had by me and, probably those fellow campers nearby.

Today's plan went as follows:

  1. Breakfast (okay, but ran out of milk!)
  2. Get messages (this is Scots for purchasing groceries/victuals). Still finding my way around the "supermarket scene" in Spain. First went to Mercadona (lacking in choice and the things I was looking for) and left with half of what I came for. Second was Carrefour (much wider choice: probably should have come here from the outset). Here I left with just one outstanding item, so crossed the road to Lidl, where they did not have "mini peppers" either. I gave up!
  3. Find a place to park-up for the night. It is in Cullera, at motorhome central! Given that it is in a built up area it is more sheltered than last night. So fingers crossed for a better night's sleep.
  4. Have lunch: successfully executed and celebrated with a cheeky wee ice cream!
  5. Research possible places to stay tomorrow night. Looks as though it maybe Platja Tavernes de la Valldiana, with a backup of Platja de Gandia.
  6. Plan another flatish cycle route for tomorrow's cycle. Forecast is for another windy day with wind weather warnings in place)
  7. Create today's post, nearly done!
  8. It is now nearly 6pm, so when I've finished this post I'll make dinner.
  9. Then tidy up.
  10. Finally, Duolingo Spanish for about 15 - 20 minutes or so.
  11. The rest of the evening is free time!!!

Cullera: Motorhome central

Which is adjacent to the Bombers, so hoping for none of those things that go bang in the night!

  • Distance driven: 23 miles
  • Distance cycled: 0
  • Weather: Windy, sun and cloud.
  • Location: Google Maps