Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
No showers, no wifi, no toilet facilities after 9pm, dogs (ankle biters) barking and two compressors on and off all night, I would advise against camping at Cameron!
But ..... a great day of riding today, especially the last 4.5 miles. I arrived in Marble Canyon to discover that the campsite I'd planned to use was 4.5 miles off route and to stay in the Motel would cost almost $70, whereas the campsite cost $12. Yet, I was sorely tempted to take a motel room as I need to do a laundry and a second night of using "wet wipes" as a shower replacement did not appeal.
However, the scenery/geology is absolutely amazing in this area so asked if the road to the campsite was in good condition, it is, and whether the scenery is interesting, and having opted to camp, I can vouch that it is sublime. Indeed I'd go so far as to say that the Lee Ferry Rd, all be that it is only 4.5 miles long, is a fantastic road to cycle down: at every turn there is a photograph waiting to be taken. Highly recommended detour.
And for a campsite without showers it is about as good as it gets (located down by the Colorado River raft launch site).