Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
Firstly some background info: Over the past few days I've been experiencing voltage anxiety. This is because, given the fine weather we've had this week, I'd anticipated I'd find the van's leisure battery becoming nicely charged. However, in contrast to voltages around 12.8 volts or more, I've been returning from my rides to find voltages around 11.2 volts and, in the last day or so even less! This was creating problems for me (in particular: cooking, the fridge and lighting) and I was becoming increasingly concerned that I'll need to by a new battery (about £250 - £300!).
Anyhow, hopefully, today I discovered the issue. You see, when I left in the mornings the sun was just starting to shine on the solar panels: I could see that charging of the battery had commenced. Also, generally, when I returned from cycling the sun was "still" shining on the solar panels. However, today I discovered, that for a good part of the afternoon the van would have been in shade, which was caused by the sun being blocked by a block of flats. Hence, the battery was being charged much less than I'd thought! Hopefully, a new battery will not be required!
Meanwhile, with a view to maximizing charging, I thought I'd clean the solar panels, which I did. However, after climbing on to the van's roof I noticed that ths skylights could do with a clean. So I cleaned them. I then thought I may as well clean ths rest of the roof while I'm at it. This led me to notice some spots of black mold (or, perhaps black lichen?), so the anti-mold spray was deployed to get rid of it. Unfortunately, the mold/lichen extended over the side of the van ..... okay, no doubt your bored by now (assuming you've had the stamina to get this far!) I ended up cleaning the entire outside of the van!
Then, I moved on to the bike, which needed a general clean; also the chain required cleaning and re-lubing and; the breaks needed a little adjustment.
In the process of all this cleaning, the van was moved twice to ensure it remained in the sun. Later, as the sun was setteing, I took the van for a drive to charge the vehicle and, as a consequence the leisure, battery: This morning I received warnings that the vehicle battery was low!
So much for a rest day .... I remain in Denia! (I'm not moaning or complaining, I just thought you may like to know that it is not all cycling - indeed, perhaps you are glad to have a wee interlude from the cycling?).
Time to do some cycle route planning now!