Day 73: Pueblo Salinas (Cycling)
Some very good cycling was had today. First was a visit to the dam at
When I set off cycling at 10.30 this morning the temperature was 10° C and, mostly cloudy with a brisk southerly wind. By early afternoon it was nudging 18°C (according to my Garmin gps device) with some cloud and sunshine and, a briskier southerly wind, which I ended my ride cycling into.
Unfortunately, not only was I cycling the last 18 miles or so into a strong southly headwind I was doing it on a dead straight cycle path heading south. But, mustn't grumble (in hindsight!) it was great to be out on the bike after nearly two weeks living like a sloth!
This cyclist was riding with the tailwind, i.e., in the opposite direction from that in which I was cycling! [poor quality of photo acknowledged!])
Given I was cycling on a dead flat, dead straight, dead boring cycle path with the wind on me nose, I tucked in for what effectively was a time trail back to Ares.
Oh dear, I certainly lived to regret that decision! Within in seconds of my return to the van I suffered the most excruciating cramps in my legs! Probably brought on by my own ineptitude! You see, I effectively cycled 73 miles, admittedly on relatively flat roads/paths, on: 1 cup of coffee, two pieces of marmalade on toast, the contents (water - no doping for me!) of one 750ml bottle of water, some raisins, cranberries, 4 dried figs, 4 dates and about 8 dried apricots. I think the lack of fluid intake during the ride was the key factor giving rise to the cramps. Hopefully I have learnt a lesson here; but I doubt it!
Finally, Ares and its locale is a nice place to visit this time of the year. I get the impression, as evidenced by the multitude of campsites and beaches, that it is very popular during the summer season. Fortunately, although there are some winter holiday makers here, it is relatively quiet. Just how I like it!