Day 72: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle)
Going west would be best but it was gonna be rainy. At least by going
Rain delayed the start of play today. Eventually, due to inclement weather leaking into the afternoon, play for today was abandoned!
Now, obviously I could have gone cycling today irrespective of the weather. However, in my minds eye I had envisaged a relaxed, dry and warm ride taking in one of Spain's Vias Verdes. When it became obvious that it was more likely to be a wet and cold day of riding and, given yesterday's chilliness, I went to plan B.
Via Verde de El Maigmo (the red line, which is 22km in length):
Plan B incorporated the beginning of Plan A, which was to drive from El Campello to Agost, avoiding the road toll.
Well, when I said Agost, I meant to say Agost Railway Station, which is some way away from Agost proper! In fact it is at the southern start of the Via Verde (see earlier photo). I had planned to start my ride from here. But, given its remote location; the lack of visitors; train travellers (none so far!); cyclists; and leaving the van attended for about 4 hours (I'll be doing more than 44km (i.e, not just there and back again)) I'll probably start the ride somewhere else. I'm pretty sure the van would be ok left at the station for 4 hours or so, but I'd be somewhat disappointed if I returned to discover that it was not so! So why risk it? And it's a long walk home!
Here's a photo of a Spainish train. The station and my van are approximately 1/3 of a mile away in the direction from which the train has come from - just so there is no confusion, the train was coming towards the photographer!
Oh yes, and Plan B continued with an expanded Spanish language lesson followed by fodder and a short walk at about 3pm. As I write this it is 16:30 hours.