So I decided to take a rest day:
- Jackson is an okay place to hangout
- The weather was supposed to be better on Monday
- I could watch the Manchester United vs Arsenal game in the hotel
- The hotel is good and the price is reasonable
- The next day's ride is likely to be long, perhaps, very long. I will need to get an early start and be flexible. This is because there may not be anywhere for me to stay (camp) in Yellowstone Park and the indoor accommodation I was quoted is priced at $380 per night (almost a week's budget)!!! So I may need to enter and leave the park tomorrow. We shall see.

Whilst making enquiries at the Tourist Information I was strongly advice by Steve to take bear repellent with me. Indeed I thank him for his help and advice. So tomorrow I enter Yellowstone Park fully equipped to repel bears! Indeed I am not sure whether or not Steve intended to put the frighteners up me with regard to bear attacks but nonetheless he has got me rather concerned.